The Wave - Part V

The hike back to the trailhead
IMG 1083-HDR(3)  Lots of white folded in like a marble cake IMG 1084 IMG 1089-HDR(3) IMG 1095-HDR(3)  Reconstrution surgery?
IMG 1098-HDR(3)  Didn't notice this unique pattern in the brain rock coming in. IMG 1134-HDR(3) IMG 1164-HDR(3)  The inch worm hasn't moved since we came by it hiking in. IMG 1167-HDR(3)
IMG 1170-HDR(3) IMG 1173-HDR(3) IMG 1176-HDR(3)  This confirms we are on the path that we came in on P1030771-HDR  Suzanne caught this unique set of teepees.  (Photo by Suzanne)
P1030780-HDR  (X-rated photo by Suzanne) IMG 1113-HDR(3) stitchSmall  A composite panorama P1030783-HDR  (Photo by Suzanne) P1030792-HDR  (Photo by Suzanne)